What is an IFSC Code and What is it Used for?

With the demonetization & then fresh currency issuance in India during the last couple of months, there has been a major boost to the cashless transactions in our country. At times, people are forced to move towards the paperless banking even against their wish. Thus, 8th November 2016 has marked an important day in the Econnomic History of India for a major step towards digitalization of financial transactions, be it the banking way, the ewallet way or any other innovative methods of transaction!

Online payments in India can be done through Netbanking, NEFT, RTGS, IMPS, Credit and Debit Card, Electronic Clearing Methods, mobile banking, -wallets introduced by banks, NBFCs as well as mobile service providers in India.

All these modes of payment need to be linked to the home branch savings bank account of the individual with reference to its IFSC code.

What is IFSC Code ?

IFSC Code is the short cut of Indian Financial System Code. It consists of 11 characters in an alphanumeric combination. IFSC of any branch of any bank in India is unique and the identity of the bank can be found through only its IFSC. No other information about the bank, branch, address, etc. is needed for online money transfer once the IFSC code is correctly entered. This information regarding IFSC is often not available when you apply for a savings account, but becomes very important when you already have access to a savings account.

The Reserve Bank of India or the RBI is the Central Banking Institution, which controls the monetary operations in India. Thus, RBI issues the IFSC code to each bank and its branch in India.

How does an IFSC Code look like?

The IFSC code is a 11 character code which is alphanumeric. It typically looks ABCD0123456 where in:
  1. First 4 characters of the code represent Bank Code,
  2. Fifth characters is Zero which is reserved for future utility
  3. Next 6 characters represents Branch code, making the entire IFSC a 11 character code.
For example, a typical IFSC code for SBI would be say: SBIN0018382.

Wherein the first 4 digits are SBIN represent State Bank of India, 5th character is zero and the last 6 characters, i.e. 018382 would help you identify that this code is of SBI, Bangalore, its address, contact details, branch timings, etc. The data is readily available online and can easily be searched.

Why do banks give so much of importance to IFSC?

In today’s virtual world with the press of a button , everything can be transacted online. Whether it is shopping,movie booking ,events booking, purchase of groceries ,etc., when we have so many virtual transactions, the use of IFSC code for transfer is of paramount importance. IFSC is used in NEFT and RTGS.

NEFT is the online mode of payment used by an individual or any organization to make an electronic transfer to another account. Amount transferred thru NEFT is transferred in batches to the recipients by the banks.

RTGS or Real Time Gross Settlement is the electronic gateway, which enables account to account transfer in real time. So this can transfer money from one account to another immediately, while NEFT is settled in batches.

How is the IFSC Code helpful?

When we want to transfer money from one bank to another bank through RTGS, NEFT or IMPS , these being transfers within the banking system, the IFSC acts as a unique identifier. The common link to the transfer of funds is IFSC code.

There are has been a significant transformation in the economy since introduction of the online route and because of this, massive financial transactions have occurred across the banking system. The traffic of funds transfer can be handled /eased only through IFSC code which is already prevalent in our banking system.

Points to note about the IFSC Code.

  1. IFSC code can be found in a cheque leaf, along with the other details of the account holder. If they want to check the their own branch IFSC code.
  2. Other Banks IFSC code can be found on RBI official weblink.
  3. Entire IFSC codes of the branches can be located across the country in the particular bank weblink.
  4. Easy and quick transfer of funds by using IFSC code.
  5. No scope for error, as the funds will be deposited to the particular bank and account.
  6. RBI has advised all the banking firms which are under its umbrella to issue to IFSC code. IFSC code is rolled into the system to identify the route , monitor and track every transaction.

It is also better to know the interdependent terms which are commonly used along with IFSC.

IFSC & MICR- Many a time people get confused with these common terms which are used for transferring the funds. MICR-Magnetic Ink Character Recognition. MICR is a 9 digit number representing city, bank & branch. The code which is introduced by RBI acts as a safety of the negotiable instrument i.e. the cheque. Whereas , the IFSC code helps in directly transferring the amount to the beneficiary account. The IFSC code helps in the instant transfer of money.

IFSC & SWIFT Code- With the Globalization and the boost to the import and export trade & more people are settling abroad, we need to understand the SWIFT code. SWIFT - Society for Worldwide Interbank Financial Telecommunication, it is a 11 character code , first 4 characters are bank code and next 4 are alpha country code,next 5 codes are optional with location and branch code. When we want to transfer the money abroad SWIFT code is helpful.

The main difference is IFSC code helps in the funds transfer within India i.e. domestically, whereas the SWIFT code helps in money transfer abroad. Indian economy is the sixth largest economy in the world measured by GDP, this coincided with major changes in the world economy . All these IFSC, SWIFT codes and various modes of bank transfer, which are introduced by the RBI,helps the citizens to get hassle free, quick and secure access to funds in their savings account within India.
What is the difference between ICICI bank home loan and SBI home loan?

What is the difference between ICICI bank home loan and SBI home loan?

SBI bank and ICICI bank are the two most popular banks and reputed names in the country. However, SBI or State Bank of India is one of the oldest banks in India, while ICICI is a newly established bank. The most intriguing part of SBI bank is that its history traces back to British India. Finally, in 1955, India saw the dawn of a new name, the Imperial Bank of India which gradually became the State Bank of India. 

If you are seeking home loan, then you have the country’s best two banks, the SBI and ICICI. If you are confused which bank to choose, then this article will help you. Selecting between the two banks is like picking the best flower better than other beautiful flowers.  

Difference between SBI and ICICI home loan 
Both SBI and ICICI are good lenders, but comparatively SBI is touted excellent when it comes to reducing and lucrative rates. Besides, service of the bank is extraordinary. The only thing is that you will have to look out for sanction personally and even disbursement which may be time consuming. Therefore, it can be concluded that the SBI home loan interest rate is not taxing on your pockets. Also, to apply for an SBI loan you will have to provide all your documents. 

ICICI bank is also one of the best home loan lenders. Its home loan processing service is prompt. Also, you can avail services of customer care all round the clock. 

Let’s have a look at the difference between ICICI and SBI home loan interest rate 

 • The interest rate for women applying SBI home loan interest rate is 9.10% to 9.25%. For general customers, the SBI home loan interest rate is 9.15% to 9.30%. The SBI Flexipay interest rate 9.25% to 9.30%. 

On the other hand, the interest rate for ICICI bank home loan is 9.20% to 9.50% for general borrowers and 9.15% to 9.45% for women borrowers. 

 • If you are applying for SBI home loan, the processing fees is up to 0.35% of the loan amount and the maximum processing fees is Rs. 11,500. If you want to apply for ICICI home loan, then the processing fees is 0.50% of the loan amount or it may be Rs. 11,500 whichever is lower. 

 • For both the loans no guarantor is required. 

Remember, SBI issues a great range of home loans and the SBI home loan interest rate is suitable for the borrower. According to various consumer awards and surveys have bestowed the title ‘The most preferred Home Loan Provider’. Besides, SBI provides loan at lower interest rate, zero hidden charges, flexible payment options. The SBI home loan interest rate is offered at a lower competitive rate. 

Coming to ICICI bank home loans, these types of home loans are easy to apply for various reasons. Suppose, you want to buy a new house then you can apply for loan from the bank (which you already know) or from your bank’s approved projects. The company offers pre-approved loans to only a selected group of customers including existing customers.  
What are the different types of SBI and ICICI home loans?  
They include SBI MaxGain Home loan, SBI Yuva home loan, SBI realty, Her Ghar Home loan, etc. ICICI home loan interest rates vary for salaried applicants, self employed applicants, women applicants, weaker section applicants, etc. 

Also, ICICI offers you the advantage of lowering the weight of EMIs to its customers. Thus, you can gain all the benefits of home loans if you are eligible for the same. However, do research for SBI home loan interest rate and ICICI home loan interest rate , and then make your choice. Choose wisely the one, whether SBI home loan interest rate or ICICI home loan interest rate, that will help you meet the kinds of requirements you have on mind.

Top Five Factors Affecting your CIBIL Score

With credit score becoming the latest buzzword when applying for a credit card or a loan it is absolutely essential to understand the concept. Simply put, credit score is a number given to you based on your financial performance with respect to debts and bills. If you have been regular with your EMI and credit card payments, used credit cards only up to a certain limit, and haven’t applied for cards or loans very frequently, you are likely to get a good score which will aid you in your future credit loan applications. However, a low score won’t be music to your ears!

CIBIL Credit Report

In India, one of the front runners in credit score is CIBIL. Let’s find out more about this institution and their scoring system – CIBIL score.

Importance of CIBIL Score

Credit Information Bureau India Limited or CIBIL is one of as India’s first credit information company. They obtain payment records of individuals or commercial entities that have bank loans or own a credit card from the issuing lending institution. These details are then synthesized to form the Credit Information Report (CIR), which eventually gives way to the CIBIL Credit Score. CIBIL Score helps banks and NBFCs (non-banking financial corporations) to evaluate fresh loan applications from these individuals and decide whether to approve or reject their applications.

How do banks use the CIBIL score?

CIBIL score ranges from 300 to 900. So, individuals scoring closer to 900 are highly likely to get approved for loans and cards on favorable terms, whereas for individuals scoring close to 300, getting approval on new credit applications will be difficult.

Depending on how high or low an individual scores, banks and NBFCs get a glimpse of the applicant’s financial behavior and credit-hungry attitude. If they see that you have been applying for loan and credit cards very regularly, they feel that you are in constant need of money and are unable to manage your budget in the finances already available to you. Second, if you are always behind on your EMIs and credit card bill payments, it means that you are lazy and lack financial discipline. These factors make banks wary of lending you more money.

Top five factors that affect CIBIL Score

Among the various factors that can affect your CIBIL score, the following five deserve special mention.
  • Repayment History – For an individual sharing a history of repayments in due time brings an positive impression on his/her CIBIL Score. This includes clearance of all the previous bills and loan repayments within the stipulated time period. Any amount of due or missed payments or payment that is overdue, brings a negative impression on your score indicating trouble in clearance of your repayments.
  • Debt Servicing Time Duration – The entire period of time for which you have been using the credit is one of the major factor that aids in the process of calculation of the cibil score. For an individual servicing the debt for a much elongated period of time and also ensuring absolute timely repayment also helps to improve the score.
  • Optimum Utilization of Credit Limits – In the present days, credit cards make availability of high credit limits. For any person who makes the optimum use of these limits brings a poor impact in his/her cibil score.
  • Higher Percentage of Credit Cards or Personal Loans – For an individual whose is sharing a more secured loan (a home loan or an auto loan), that person share the chance of sharing a more positive score as compared to other individuals who are sharing a more unsecured loans. The most expensive form of credit is unsecured loans as the more higher the number of unsecured loans , higher are the payments as they counts very high interest rates. Thus when a person has more number of unsecured loans, he/she is more liable to share a lower credit score.
  • Credit Applications – Nowadays application for multiple loans and credits is a common practice, but this particular practice mostly brings a negative impression on the CIBIL Score. For individuals who are in constant application for more credit or have just sanctioned a new loan, strict caution is exercised. Innumerable credit application refers to the low capability of the individual for any further additional dept and also indicates the person’s debt burden.

Other Factors

Some other factors that affect the CIBIL Score are mentioned below:
  • Loan Settlement - When people are unable to settle their loans, it affects highly on their cibil score. In such cases, the banks sometime also reject loan requests.
  • Reducing number of Credit Cards - Reduction or cancellation of credit cards brings down the credit limit bringing a negative impact on your score.
  • Suspension of Credit Card Use - Suspension or lack of money transactions using the credit card makes your credit file an inactive one.
  • Not Checking the Credit Report – If banks misreport facts on the credit report, delay or not rectifying the errors makes bearing on the cibil score.

What is the difference between HDFC bank credit card and ICICI credit card?

If you want to compare between the HDFC bank credit card and ICICI credit card, then this is just the article you need to read. Before getting into the differences, let’s trace back to the history and details of each bank. Considering the ICICI bank, it thinks big and is always looking for marketshare and profound growth. On the other hand, HDFC bank is more cautious and conservative that grows at proficient measured pace without involving any undue risks. 

HDFC bank credit card

Since mid-1999, ICICI bank had already started its venture of retail banking, but by the end of January-2000, the bank had already introduced personal loans, car loans, home loans and credit cards. On the other hand, HDFC Bank started its retail landing in the year 1998, which was year before ICICI bank came into the field. The bank took more time to launch its credit cards which was only two years back.

A few differences between HDFC bank credit card and ICICI credit card 

It should be noted that ICICI bank issued almost 3 million credit cards, which is actually twice the total number of HDFC bank credit card. Industry reviewers have pointed out, however, the effective number of users of the ICICI bank is not so impressive. In the field of online trading, where you will find a relatively lower risk, the ICICI bank boasts two-third of the total market share. 

Besides, if you look at other financial data of both banks you will have an idea why the HDFC bank is celebrated for its quality services that claim better credit card performance, while the ICICI bank has been successful in issuing more number of credit cards. Record has it that according to the stock market the HDFC bank is valued at a higher premium at Rs. 585 current price and the bank is also valued at 3.5 times book value. In contrast, the ICICI bank is quoted at Rs. 415 and has an estimated book value of Rs. 194. 

Also, it should be noted that the financial operations of the HDFC bank is more profitable with its net margin at 3.2 % and is higher than the ICICI bank’s 2.4%. On an average, HDFC bank pays off an interest of 3.2% but ICICI bank offers 4.5%. 

While the HDFC bank offers credit cards in various categories like Super Premium, Featured Cards, Premium Travel, Premium, Regular, Premium Women, Cashback & commercial, etc., the ICICI bank offers credit cards in categories like ‘ICICI Bank More Cards’, ‘ICICI Bank The Gemstone Collection Credit Cards’, ‘ICICI Bank Airline Credit Cards’, ‘ICICI Bank Unifare Metro Credit Cards’, ‘ICICI Bank Fuel Credit Cards’, etc. 

The HDFC Indian Promoters Holding is 23.2 %, Mutual Funds if 10.5 %, Foreign Institutional Fills is 30.7 %, ADR & GDR is 17.3 %, Public Holding at 18.4 % and the number of shareholders is 4.5 lakhs +. On the contrary, The ICICI Bank Indian Promoters Holding is 0 %, Mutual Funds is 26.6 %, Foreign Institutional Investors is 35.9 %, ADR & GDR is 26.9 %, Public Holding is 10.6 % and the approximate number of shareholders is 7 lakh +, etc. 

The HDFC credit/deposit ratio is 80.7 %, while the ICICI bank credit/deposit ratio is 103.6 %. The HDFC Bank has an approximate 66,000 employees, while the ICICI Bank has 58,000 employees. The net fixed deposits of the HDFC Bank are Rs. 2,378 crores, while the net fixed deposits of the ICICI Bank is Rs. 5,432 crores. 

Everything aside, it just boils down to which ban’s credit card offers features that are in line with your requirement. Once you figure that out, the bank becomes secondary. 

What Is EMI? How Is It Calculated? What Are The Factors Affecting EMI?

In the last two decades India has witnessed a revolution in the arena of banking sector particularly in the loan segment. To build a strong customer base, banks as well as other financial institutions simplified the course of loan processing which, in turn, benefited customers to fulfill their dreams.
EMI Calculator

Nowadays, most of us have taken some kind of loans from the bank, be it education loan, home loan, car loan or some sort of personal loan. While taking a loan, the most important factor that grasps our attention is the EMI part. Here we are doing to throw some light on the details of EMI, calculation of EMI and factors affecting the EMI.

What is EMI?

EMI stands for Equated Monthly Instalment which is usually a fixed amount of money that the borrower needs to pay the bank or the lender on a monthly basis. EMI payment includes contributions towards principal as well as the interest charged on the loan amount. During initial years, a large part of the EMI goes towards the repayment of interest and then it starts to contribute more towards principal amount of loan. 

Usually banks offer two types of loan repayment EMI. These are Fixed Rate EMI and Floating Rate EMI.
• Fixed Rate EMI: Fixed interest rate loans are those where interest rate remains same throughout the tenure of the loan. It is better to opt for fixed rate EMI if interest rate is lower than the usual rate of interest.
• Floating Rate EMI: Loan interest rate largely depends on the volatility of the market and RBI decisions that controls future course of the market. Floating rate EMI can change in accordance with the market trends leading to sudden rise and fall in interest rate. 

How EMI Is Calculated?

EMI consists of two variable components. These components are the principal amount and the interest rate charged on the loan amount. Interest amount part of the EMI is higher in initial years and it decreases over the years. EMI is calculated involving many factors like loan amount, interest rate and tenure of loan repayment. Formula to calculate EMI is mentioned below.

EMI = [P x I x (1 + I)^N]/[(1 + I)^N – 1]

Where, P = Principal loan amount
               I = Interest Rate per month
               N = the number of installments

What Is Online EMI Calculator?

There are many EMI Calculators available online which makes your task easy while calculating the EMI. You just need to provide some loan information to know the exact amount of EMI. Online EMI Calculator is the most simple but accurate way to determine your loan EMI. In fact, you can check your monthly EMI for a certain amount of loan before you actually opt for the loan. Online EMI Calculator helps customer design customized financial strategy and set financial goals. 

What Are The Factors That Affect EMI?

EMI calculation involves factors like loan amount, loan repayment tenure and monthly interest rate. Basically these all three factors determine the loan EMI and change in any one of these factors can manipulate the EMI amount. If loan amount and interest rate are higher, you can expect a bigger amount of EMI to pay every month. Loan with shorter repayment schedule increase the EMI whereas longer loan repayment schedule reduces EMI amount, provided interest rate remains the same. Another factor that affects EMI is the age of the borrower. Some bank applies higher interest rate after crossing the specified age limit.


From the above discussion, it is evident that loan amount, interest rate and loan repayment tenure are the three governing factors for EMI calculation. Loan EMI is directly proportional to loan amount and interest rate and it is inversely proportional to the loan repayment tenure. Consider these factors and opt for fixed or floating rate of interest after analysing your present and future financial goals. It is recommended to check the EMI amount on an online EMI Calculator to get a fair idea on how much to pay.

All the details about the home loan EMI calculator

All the details about the home loan EMI calculator

The immense pleasure of owning a home is not comparable to anything else. Gone are those days when people used to save throughout their life to purchase a home and then could enjoy the pleasure for a little while. Home loans are here to stay with easy EMI options justifying the capacity of the buyer. To make it even easier, EMI calculators give an actual picture of your monthly expenses.  

How to calculate the EMI using House loan EMI calculator
The home loan EMI calculator can give the answer to your questions regarding the home loans. As it tells you that if you can take that much loan from a bank or not and along with that it also shows the highest amount of home loan that you can get from the bank so that the borrower can prepare him before taking to the bank persons about the loan.

There are a few simple steps that you need to follow while calculating the home loan details online. You have to enter the name, address and some personal details like phone number email id, occupation and amount of income. The most important thing is that you have to decide the amount of loan and the calculator also require that field. Then it calculates the details that you want to know and makes your job easy.

Sometimes the borrowers think why they should choose a long tenure if they can repay the loan, but the fact is that if they choose a long tenure, the EMI that they have to pay from their income becomes less and burden of the loan also decreases. But the people who are able to repay the loan in a short time of period, they can choose a lesser tenure as they may be concerned to be free from the worry of the loan as much soon as possible.

Why is it advantageous to opt for EMI calculator?
·         There are some banks which give a nice amount of discount for the women if they want to take home loans. In that case, the P.A. may vary from a low percentage so that they don not face problems while returning the whole amount of money after the particular period. 

·         EMI calculator helps one to get an approximated amount of money that he/she can get a home loan from the bank. The customers can gain the idea whether he/she is eligible to get that much amount of loan or not which they have decided to take from the bank. In case that they have a low income, they may not be able to get a high amount of loan unless they can show a minimum income yearly or monthly.

·         Many of the lenders charge the p.a by compound interest instead of the simple one. For that, the buyers may not calculate it by their own. When the tenure is also long, and the amount of loan you are thinking to take from the bank is huge, the home loan EMI calculator executes it in a blink of an eye. This is the reason for which most of the time the buyers opt for loan calculator as they have to give less effort and it also a time-saving matter.

·         Home loan calculator gives an opportunity to the customers to compare the facilities they can get from several banks. It takes out the details like rate of interests, required EMI and other the eligibility criteria and gives the customers the best choice by comparing them. So, it is the best helping tool when you are in a plan to buy a property. The top home loan providers give secure and nice offers if someone does not have the that much financial ability. 

Several banks give a good amount of loan for purchasing a home, and online you can calculate the whole thing like the monthly EMI that is taken from the income of the borrower, the interest which the borrower have to pay annually and more details before they are getting the loans. The positive point to the home loan EMI calculator is that you do not need to ask the bank persons or need not visit several banks to know the home loan plans. You can opt for it visiting the bank's official page from where you are going to calculate the details.

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